Hindu Organisational Conference

The Hindu Organisational Conference brings together a vast array of Hindu organizations, including temples, associations, and institutions to share best practices, experiences, resources, and ideas.
This session also provides a platform to discuss challenges and opportunities for organizations to better meet the needs of their constituencies, develop synergies across organizations, and coordinate with one another for local and global benefit.
The Hindu Organisations Conference is organized by the Hindu Organisations, Temples and Associations Forum (HOTA) - www.hotaforum.org
Hindu Organisations, Temples and Associations Forum (HOTA Forum)
Mission Statement
The aim of the Hindu Organisations, Temples and Associations Forum (HOTA Forum) is to bring together all Hindu organisations, temples, associations, institutions and sampradayas, who are working for the Hindu resurgence, on one common platform. Additionally, HOTA Forum will empower Hindu organisations by the providing necessary resources including networking and sharing of resources and instill a sense of pride.
There are many different forces within the Hindu society working actively for the Hindu resurgence and renaissance. While the numerous groups working for the Hindu resurgence have been generally accepted among the Hindu society and even celebrated in some quarters as a sign of the strength of the Hindu Dharma, there has also been a historical downside to this development mainly due to the chronic disorganisation of the Hindu society.
One reason for this has been the disjointed efforts by Hindus leading to lack of assistance in the hour of need and inability to pool resources. Additionally, disparate Hindu organisations, while doing vital work for the Hindu cause, have rarely shared news of their activities with their fellow Hindus or their counterparts who are also attempting to make Hindu society stronger. This failure to disseminate information combined with the lack of coordination between various Hindu groups has hurt the Hindu resurgence more than helping it.
These numerous groups are striving to make Hindu society better as well as stronger, but are working for the Hindu community in their own individual capacities and usually work separately from each other. This has led indirectly to a lack of unity and organisation in the Hindu community, which ultimately has been detrimental to the overall interests of Hindu society. While various Hindu groups may wish to work separately due to various reasons, it is important that at the very least all these groups are kept informed about the activities of their fellow Hindus.
This will allow for a more efficient division of labour, pooling and more efficient use of resources. If Hindu groups could learn to work together or at the very least work in a more coordinated manner, the Hindu resurgence would greatly benefit from the efficient division of labour and the judicious use of resources that arise from this effort.