WHC 2014

Event: WHC 2014
Date: November 21, 2014, 5:00 pm – November 23, 2014, 5:30 pm
Theme:Sangachchhadhwam Samvadadhwam (Step together, Express together).
City: New Delhi, Bharat
Venue: Hotel Ashok, 50-B, Diplomatic Enclave, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi – 110021, Bharat
The inaugural World Hindu Congress (WHC) held in 2014 saw 1800 delegates from 53 countries, taking part in 7 parallel conferences to deliberate and formulate solutions to the myriad challenges faced by Hindus throughout the world. The resounding success of WHC 2014 means that the Hindu community now has a consistent global platform to address and resolve the relevant issues that affect Hindus.
The theme envisioned for WHC 2014 was the Hindu principle of Sangachchhadhwam Samvadadhwam, which means ‘Step together, Express together’. With this guiding principle as our inspiration, seven different conferences were held during the Congress. Each conference specifically dealt with an area of strategic importance to the global Hindu community, holding detailed deliberations and articulating specific solutions to deal with obstacles blocking the Hindu community’s ability to progress in the respective area concerned.
The following seven conferences were held:
The findings of each Conference were presented to the Congress as a whole, where the entire Congress’ delegates had an opportunity to critically examine the work of the Conference and offer their input as well. After the conclusion of the Congress, the individual organizations that conducted each of the conferences are responsible for monitoring and assisting the implementation of the findings of each conference, and will report at the next Congress on the progress made along with starting deliberations anew on any remaining and new challenges confronting Hindu society.
Event Reports
World Hindu Congress 2014 Report
Individual Conference Reports
World Hindu Economic Forum 2014 Report
Hindu Education Conference 2014 Report
Hindu Youth Conference 2014 Report
Hindu Women Conference 2014 Report
Hindu Political Conference 2014 Report
Hindu Media Conference 2014 Report
Hindu Organisations Conference 2014 Report
Event Photos